What are the powerful pro-Hindu organizations going to do against such conversions ? Jail officers and police, who allowed such conversions in jail, should be suspended and imprisoned !
Belgaum : Recently, news about a Hindu prisoner’s conversion to Islam at Hindalga Central Jail has been published. The conversion was done by promising the prisoner who was in jail for a number of years that he would be released on bail. (Without assistance by police and jail officers, it is not possible to carry out conversion in a jail. Wherever such anti-Hindu police are there, Hindu unity is the only solution to put curb on such misdeeds. – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat )
1. Vishwanath Karadiguddu, from Hubli, was undergoing imprisonment in connection with a case of smuggling of fake currency and illegal weapons. He has been converted and his name has been changed to Rehman Khan. The ceremony of conversion was held in the prison.
2. Loyal associates of Rashid Malbari, an agent of notorious hooligan Chhota Shakil are trying to convert prisoners. Number of such incidents have increased and conducted under direction of constable, Rafiq. Senior jail officers are aware of the same but they are keeping mum. ( Congress Government of Karnataka will do nothing against such police officers; but will the Government of staunch Hindu, Shri. Narendra Modi take any action against the concerned ? – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat ) Prison management has, however, declined that conversions were taking place.
3. Detailed report has been asked by District Police Chief from Jail Superintendent when it was brought to his notice.
(Ref. : Dainik Tarun Bharat, Belgaum)