By: Dr Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee on Nov 01, 2013 – Kali- a female deity. Another manifestation of goddess Durga. She killed the demon Raktabij which represents human desires. These desires detract man from following the spiritualpath. Yogically She is the Primordial Female Energy. She is the kinetic state of Prana from whom creation emanates. Common man considers worldly knowledge to be actual knowledge, for this reason Kali has been depicted as black because in her state of first manifestation, worldly knowledge did not evolve amidst creation.
Her lolling tongue is symbolical of khecari mudra of a yogi. The falchion in Her left hand symbolises the annihilation of ignorance of a yogi and entry into the realm of knowledge. Practising ardent Kriya a yogi attains soul-realization, then he achieves omniscience. The 108 garland of demon heads indicate the 108 bestial proclivities in man. These devilish propensities have evolved from the kinetic state of Prana within man and deter him from remaining materially detached. But when Prana is still, the activities of these devilish propensities cease, this cessation of activity is symptomatic of destruction. Therefore Kali has been depicted with the falchion severing the 108 demons. This severance of ignorance is necessary, for a yogi is purified and attains soul-knowledge.
The feet of Kali indicate Ida and Pingala breathing motion. When these feet become one it indicates a yogi’s breathing motion to continue in Sushumna. Again a yogi’s perpetual diligent endeavours entitle him to go above Sushumna and merge in the Absolute void. At this moment the feet of Kali evanesce to a yogi.
Kali is represented as having one leg on Siva’s chest and the other on His thigh – this purports her dual nature. Leg on Siva’s chest connotes stillness and leg on His thighs connotes dynamism for this is the region of maximum dynamism. Kali atop Siva also symbolizes the union of kineticism with stillness. It refers to the reversion into stillness from maximum dynamism, conversely also the commencement of dynamism retrogressing from stillness.