Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswati
Madkai (Goa) : “The culture that has given us knowledge of ‘Dharma (Righteousness), Artha (Economy), Kaam (Desire), Moksha (Liberation)’ cannot be ignored while governing any State. Science taught by Sanatan Vedic Dharma is supreme. Why all politicians including the Prime Minister are behaving as puppets in the hands of communists, Christians and Muslims ? When Hindu gets awakened and becomes strong with spiritual power, nobody can rule over him. There is so much power in Vedic Sanatan Dharma that who has the strength to challenge us ? The technique of Vedic Hindu Dharma needs to be utilized for protecting the whole world which is going towards destruction in the name of progress. The whole world is afraid of Vedic Sanatan Dharma because Hindu Dharma has the power to crush anarchy in the world,” stated ‘Purvanmaya Shri Govardhan Mutt, Puri Pithadheeshwar, Srimat Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswatiji Maharaj’ while addressing Hindus in mammoth ‘Dharma-sabha’ held here at Madkai Panchayat Maidan, Madkai, Ponda on 24th November. The mammoth ‘Dharma-sabha’ attended by more than 5000 Hindus, was organized by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and Sanatan Sanstha.

Pujan of Adi Shankaracharya’s paduka by MLA Shri. Lavu Mamledar and Mrs. Mamledar
Shankaracharya said further, “Materialism cannot fulfill the purpose of human birth. Knowledge of all sciences can be acquired with the knowledge of Truth in the form of ‘Satchidananda’. The path of God realization available with followers of Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharma; is not available to followers of other religions. God, remembered, praised, worshipped, is the form of ‘Satchidananda’. Do followers of other Sects have such facility ? Vedic Sanatan Dharma has the power to take people believing in materialism towards detachment. People believing in materialism, cannot give up their attitude; thus waste their life. The knowledge available in Vedic Dharma can help its follower to get rid of fear of death; in fact, get over death. Sovereignty is the unique character of Hindu Dharma. The theory of Vedic Sanatan Dharma is followed by ‘Pruthvi (Earth), Aap (water), Tej (Fire), Vaayu (Air) and Aakaash (Ether)’. Nobody comes near burning fire but a person turns to ashes on going away from Dharma. We should remember that till Hindus were abiding by their Dharma, Bharat was the Guru’ of whole Universe.
More than 5000 devout Hindus attended the mammoth Dharmasabha at Madkai, Goa
Srimat Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswatiji Maharaj arrived at the venue at 5.00 p.m. when he was welcomed with recitation of ‘Veda-mantras’. After he was introduced to the members of audience in brief, Shri. Lavu Mamledar, MLA of Maharashtravadi Gomantak Party, elected from Ponda constitunecy, along with his wife, performed the ‘puja’ of holy ‘padukas’ of Adya Shankaracharya. Shri. Sudin Dhavalikar, Minister of Public Works Department of Goa State offered a garland to Bhagavatpaad Jagatguru Shankaracharyaji.
Srimat Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswatiji Maharaj arrived at the venue at 5.00 p.m. when he was welcomed with recitation of ‘Veda-mantras’. After he was introduced to the members of audience in brief, Shri. Lavu Mamledar, MLA of Maharashtravadi Gomantak Party, elected from Ponda constitunecy, along with his wife, performed the ‘puja’ of holy ‘padukas’ of Adya Shankaracharya. Shri. Sudin Dhavalikar, Minister of Public Works Department of Goa State offered a garland to Bhagavatpaad Jagatguru Shankaracharyaji.
Views expressed by elected representatives in their welcoming speeches !
Holy presence of Shankaracharya has generated new divine consciousness in the land of Goa ! – Shri. Sudin Dhavalikar, Public Works Department
Shri. Sudin Dhavalikar, Minister of Goa’s Public Works Department said while welcoming Jagatguru Shankaracharya that it was the first visit of Jagatguru Shankaracharya to Goa and his visit has generated new divine consciousness in the land of Goa. Few wrong things are going on in Goa even after her freedom. Guidance of Shankaracharya is required to solve problems like Kashmir, naxalism etc. Let us, in future, follow his guidance.
With the blessings of Shankaracharya, religious sentiments will increase in Goa ! – Shri. Anant Shet, Vice Speaker, Goa Assembly
Religious sentiments and feelings of brotherhood will increase in the State of Goa with the blessings of Shankaracharya. There is no doubt that with the presence of Shankaracharya, there will be positive change in whole of Goa increasing virtues. His visit has been a good opportunity for us, the people of Goa and let us try to get maximum benefit out of it.
Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswatiji Maharaj has been touring for protection of Dharma and nation ! – Acharya Zamman Shastri
The Vice President of ‘Puri Peetha Parishad’, Acharya Zamman Shastri said, while giving information about ‘Puri Peetha’ that Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswatiji Maharaj has been going all over the country and visiting other countries for protection of Dharma and country. ‘Aditya-vahini’ and ‘Anand-vahini’ are run by Puri Peetha for upliftment of this country. Science is the gift of Vedic Mathematics. The organisation has the strength of spiritual Guru which is a very good thing because success is achieved when there is spiritual guidance. Efforts made by Sanatan Sasntha and HJS get good response from people. It is very unfortunate that the liberal attitude of Hindus is mistaken for their weakness. Bharat will certainly become ‘Vishwa-Guru’ in future. Shankaracharya has been trying for Nepal to once again become a Hindu Rashtra.
HJS has been trying to unite Hindus for establishment of Hindu Rashtra ! – Shri. Nagesh Gade, HJS
Shri. Nagesh Gade of HJS said while explaining the purpose behind holding such huge ‘Dharma-sabha’ that Bharat-bhumi is a ‘swayambhu (self-existent)’ country of Hindus; still some people declared it as a secular country; taking it towards decline. Establishment of Hindu Rashtra is necessary to stop such decline. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has been trying to unite Hindus for establishment of Hindu Rashtra and this ‘Dharma-sabha’ has been organized to acquire blessings of Shankaracharya. Last year during ‘Maha-Kumbh-Mela’ held at Prayag (Allahabad) when HJS was completing its decade of existence, Srimat Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswatiji Maharaj declared HJS as associate/ sister organisation of ‘Puri Peetha’. In fact, HJS is a child compared to ‘Shaankar-Pithas’. The sacred fire lit by HJS for the past 11 years to establish Hindu Rashtra, have now crossed the boundaries of Bharat and spread to Hindus from other countries, taking message of Hindu unification. The first chapter of this sacred fire is over and now, the second chapter has begun after 11 years which will end after next 11 years i.e. in 2023, on establishment of Hindu Rashtra.
Conspiracy against Hindu organizations should be crushed ! – Shri. Sangam Borkar, Sanatan Sanstha
Shri. Sangam Borkar, Sanatan Sanstha’s Chief for the State of Goa said, “Establishment of righteous Hindu Rashtra is the only solution for religious, national and social problems. Only society abiding by Dharma can establish Hindu Rashtra. Sanatan Sanstha has been trying to create such society that abides by Dharma and attempts are made to impose ban on such Sanatan Sanstha. Conspiracies are hatched even against other pro-Hindu organizations. We should crush such conspiracy.
Feedback by dignitaries
Got an opportunity to serve and was happy to receive Shankaracharya in Madkai ! – Shri. Shailendra Panajikar, Sarpanch, Madkai Panchayat
We are very happy as Jagatguru Shankaracharya has visited our village and we got an opportunity to serve and help this mission selflessly. We got cooperation from other local residents also. I feel like doing something for Hindus and feel that Hindus must unite.
1. All members of audience got up as Shankaracharya arrived at the venue.
2. Shri. Prabhudesai, compeer of the program, made an appeal to the members of audience to raise slogans together with raised hands which was spontaneously followed by them.
3. Acharya Zamman Shastri, the disciple of Shankaracharya started his guidance with slogans and chanting.
4. An exhibition of books authored by Purvanmaya Shri Govardhan Mutt, Puri Pithadheeshwar, Srimat Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalanand Saraswatiji Maharaj was held at the venue.
5. At the end of the ‘sabha’, holy ‘padukas’ of Adya Shankaracharya were kept for ‘darshan’.
Dignitaries attending the ‘Dharma-sabha’
Shri. Sudin Dhavalikar, Minister for Public Works, Goa State; Shri. Deepak Dhavalikar, Minister for Cooperation, Goa State; Shri. Anant Shet, Vice Chairman, Goa Assembly, Shri. Shripad Naik, MP, North Goa, BJP; Shri. Ganesh Gaokar, MLA, BJP, Sawarde Constituency; Sou. Pournima Naik, member of Zilha Parishada, Sou. Bharati Naik, Sarpanch, Talavali; Shri. Shantaram Kolwekar, Dy. Mayor, Ponda Municipality, Sou. Satvasheel Naik, a member of Panchayat, Kavale; Shri. Shankar Balkrushna Parab, member of Panchayat, Virnoda; Shri. Vinay Chopadekar, Sarpanch, Pomburfa