The Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad and Hindu Janjagruti Samiti have demanded a probe into the alleged financial irregularities by Akhil Bhartiya Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti (ABANS), an organisation that works against supersition.
Advocate Virendra Ichalkaranjikar, president of the Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad said on Saturday that they have procured information under the RTI Act, which shows that ABANS has not submitted the complete details of their accounts and financial transactions to the government.
“Four days back, we had filed a complaint with the Charity Commissioner’s office in Nagpur demanding a probe against ABANS,” he said. Sunil Ghanwat of Hindu Janjagruti Samiti and Swami Govinddevgiri Maharaj were present at the press conference.
Dr Shyam Manav, founder of ABANS, said all allegations of financial irregularities are baseless. “Charity Commissioner’s has found no financial irregularities in our organisation. This is not the first time that organisations like Sanatan Sanstha and HJS have made such allegations against us. Charity commissioner’s office has done inquiries before and found nothing objectionable against us. We have no full time workers. Our activists spend money form their pockets for our programmes. We get very less funds.”
Meanwhile, in a press release, Anand Jakhotia, spokesperson of Sanatan Sanstha said that the police should probe the involvement of those who were associated with the financial transactions of Dabholkar’s organisation, his competitors and other possibilities. “The police questioned over 30 members of Sanatan Sanstha members including women and elders. The organisation however supported the police fully. The affidavit filed by Pune police in the HC shows that Sanatan Sanstha is not involved in this case. But the left-wing organisation considered Dabholkar murder as an opportunity to defame Hindu outfits.”