INTEREST in participating in the first ever Fiji National Hindu Conference is growing, says Ashika Chandra of the World Hindu Council’s Fiji chapter.
“People are making enquiries and registering their interest in taking part in an event which will not only recognise the contribution of the Indian people to Fiji but also address social, economic, health and education issues as well,” she said.
Ms Chandra said all major Hindu organisations such as the Sanatan Dharm, Arya Samaj, TISI Sangam, Gujarati Samaj, Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Art of Living and Brahma Kumaris would make presentations at the event.
“The conference program will have oral presentations and we also aim to publish all the conference papers and the copies will be available to government agencies and community workers, and also to all participants of the conference.”
The conference will be held on April 12 and 13 at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi.