Bengaluru : ‘Bengaluru Abhivruddhi Pradhikaran (BAP)’ had given land known as ‘Naag-kshetra’ for Kukke Subrahmanyam Temple; but now the same ‘Pradhikaran’ has given this land to ‘U. T. Naseema Farid Memorial Charitable Education Institute’. The above information was obtained under RTI Act. Hindus are enraged to know that the land earlier given by the Government for convenience of citizens, is now taken back.
1. It was decided to set up an office for citizens to get all information in the city, about the famous ‘Naag-kshetra’ Kukke Subrahmanyam Temple. The managing committee of the temple gave an application to BAP on 30th January 2013 for allocation of 1695 sq. mtrs. of land under regulations of ‘Karnataka Hindu Dharmik Sanstha, 1997’ and ‘Department of Charity’. In this connection, an advance of Rs. 3, 99, 858/- was paid to BAP and receipt was also given for the same amount. Later, however, it was observed that the said amount was deposited in the account of temple.
2.On enquiry, concerned officers of BAP did not give any satisfactory reply; therefore, D. N. Kishore asked for details under RTI Act and it was found that the said land has now been given to ‘U. T. Naseema Farid Memorial Trust’ and necessary contract papers have been even registered.