MIC Youth accepts apology of ustaz over sensitive remarks against Hindus

shahul_M2GEORGE TOWN, Aug 4:

MIC Youth today stated its willingness to accept the apology of preacher Shahul Hamid Seeni Mohd over a remark in his talk that had offended Hindus.

Its chief C. Sivarraajh said, however, that MIC Youth wanted the law to takes its course in the case of Shahul Hamid so that it would serve as a lesson for the people.

“We are ready to cooperate and share our views with the police in ensuring that such incidents do not recur,” he told reporters after a closed-door meeting with Penang Deputy Chief Police Officer Datuk A. Thaiveegan at the Penang Police headquarters here.

Shahul Hamid was detained under Section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act at the Seberang Prai Tengah police headquarters on July 31 and released on police bail after a statement was recorded from him.

The independent preacher made an open apology to Hindus over his remarks and expressed the hope that the police reports lodged against him would be withdrawn.

Source: The Rakyat Post