Mumbai : On 11th August 2012, riots were instigated at Azad Maidan in Mumbai in which police, lady police staff and journalists were beaten up along with ordinary citizens. A petition has been filed by members of ‘Deshabhakta Patrakar Sanghatana’ and it came up for hearing on 3rd April before Judges Naresh Patil and Thipsay of Mumbai High Court. Information asked by High Court to the State Government for submission during that hearing, was not submitted even during this hearing; under the claim that owing to forthcoming elections, information could not be submitted. The Court was aggrieved to hear the Government’s excuse and asked whether the Court should stop working because of elections. The Court stated to the Government advocate that ‘the Government has not yet completed action required to be taken by it after riots; whether it is helpless or the Government did not want to take action. Two weeks time has now been granted to the Government for furnishing the information. (During last hearing also, Court had reprimanded the Government which shows that the Government is trying its best to see that no action was taken against fanatic Muslims. – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
Advocate Veerendra Ichalkaranjikar, the President of ‘Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad’ pleaded on behalf of petitioners. He said before the Court, “The Government is omitting organizations like Raza Academy from the action. The amount indicated by the Government as Rs. 2, 75,00,000 required for reimbursement towards funding of loss/ damage caused, is inadequate. 76 policemen and journalists got beaten up during the riots have not been given any reimbursement. No action has been taken even against molestation of lady-police staff members and no reimbursement has been declared for them for the loss. The Government is only whiling away time and protecting rioters. It is observed that whenever riots take place, investigations into persons who provoke rioters and taking stringent action against them, is deliberately avoided.”