Opinion: D. C. Nath (President, Patriot’s Forum) – Time Sachar Committee Is Buried

DC Nath SmallPresident of Patriots Forum, D.C. Nath was superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) was associated with the International Institute of Security and Safety Management (IISSM), headquartered in New Delhi, for over 14 years, first as the Executive President & CEO and then as the President & Director General, between February, 1997 and March, 2011. The author of a highly acclaimed book, Intelligence Imperatives for India, Mr. Nath earned high plaudits from all around for two of his very significant presentations on: “Revisiting the Future of India” (2005, London) and “Lessons from India for the War On Terrorism” (2007, USA). He is the only one in the field, combining the experiences of a police officer with specialization in intelligence and strategic analysis and an industrial security expert par excellence. More Bio on D. C. Nath…

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December 17, 2014

Dear Friends,


Subject: Time Sachar Committee Is Buried


Reproduced below is a press release from the Ministry of Minority Affairs of October 9, 2014:


Quote (.)


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

Ministry of Minority Affairs


09-October-2014 18:09 IST


Kundu Committee Submits Post Sachar Evaluation Report


The Post Sachar Evaluation Committee headed by Prof. Amitabh Kundu presented the final report to Dr. Najma A Heptulla, the Union Minister for Minorities Affairs here today. Thanking Prof. Kundu and other members of the committee for their efforts, Dr Najma Heptulla promised implement the recommendation after studying the report as early as possible.


The Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India had constituted the Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. Amitabh Kundu of Jawaharlal University, New Delhi and seven other eminent social scientists in September,2013. The mandate of the committee was to evaluate the process of implementation of Sachar Committee Report and the Prime Minister’s new 15 points programme. The committee was also asked to assess the outcome of the programmes implemented by Ministry of Minority Affairs and other Ministries and to recommend the corrective measures by September, 2014. As per mandate of the committee, it evaluated and assessed the implementation of the recommendations of the Sachar Committee and made suggestions for obtaining better outcome in its Final Report submitted to the Minister of Minority Affairs.


Unquote (.)


Friends, it is mystery to common people like us that the present NDA. Government have not taken up any measure to stop the undue doles and privileges to the minority communities (read the Muslim community) granted unashamedly while much poorer Hindu families, especially in the villages, are denied any such benefits whatsoever.


‘May in this connection like to see a copy of a self–contained report on the matter from “The Economic Times” of January 24, 2014.


The PIL filed against the Sachar Committee and its Report in the Delhi High Court has since, on advice from the Court, been transferred to the Supreme Court and is awaiting to be heard.


Friends, we have brought to the notice of the government that continuing the undue benefits to the minority communities even with the new popular government having come to power, has been a genuine grievance with the majority community that needs to be addressed early. Will some of you like to take this up with the government?



Your sevak,

D.C. Nath

(Former Spl. Director, IB)

(President, Patriots’ Forum)



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To the

· Union Home Minister


For favour of action as deemed appropriate.


D.C. Nath

Source: Patriot Forum

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