MAURITIUS, April 10, 2021 (Indian Spice): The history of Hindu temples in Mauritius is amazing – in many instances these were built by indentured laborers with a dream and they made it happen despite the odds. There is something about these temples, something more than just the location, that makes them so special. The first such temple is Ganga Talao. In 1898 pilgrims trekked to Grand Bassin to collect its water to offer to Lord Shiva on the occasion of Maha Shivaratri. The lake was then known as the Pari Talao. In 1972, some holy water from the Ganges River was mixed, establishing a symbolic link with the sacred Indian River and the lake was renamed Ganga Talao. In 1998 it was declared a “sacred lake.”
Velamurugan, an Indian laborer, landed in Mauritius in 1884. He persisted with the dream of erecting a temple on the flanks of the Corps de Garde Mountain. In 1907, his unshakable determination came to fruition, with hundreds of steps leading to the colorful temple higher up the mountain. Today, it has been transformed into a divine Dravidian piece of art, dedicated to Lord Murugan. The Sri Siva Subramanya Temple (Mountain Temple) has become a major pilgrimage site in Mauritius, especially during the Thaipoosam Cavadee (Kavady) festival.
For more on the featured Mauritius temples see “source” above. You can also view a short video titled Hindu Temples in Mauritius at “source” or here: https://youtu.be/HJ-SDul9ltI