Pune (Maharashtra) – With the advent of seemingly new Political will at the center and with Shri. Narendra Modi as our new Prime Minister, who, unlike his counterparts has considered the return and rehabilitation of our community, amongst the top charters of his agenda. We, Kashmiri Hindus, all as a community are waiting with hope and belief about a comprehensive plan from the Govt. that has shown inclination to meet Geo Political aspirations of our community. Important today is how we all participate in a unison voice to strength-en and speed-up our struggle in exile and support new Govt to take decisions that are primarily in the larger interest of the community.
To support this agenda, this year, on the occasion of Balidan Divas-14 Sept, we are organizing a National event in Pune and wish to promote and highlight it as “A Revival Day” of our community.
Needless to mention, Pune at large and Maharashtra per say has remained as an epicenter of our struggle because of presence of vibrant and vocal Kashmiri Pandit community, highlighting the community concerns at every forums, right from the day of our forced exodus. Another strong reason has been with the presence of our youth community in various colleges and working sector.
Pune has always made community feel proud by hosting awareness events of National and International repute and standards. This year too, we want to unite and show strength of our voice and presence and mark our resistance to stay counted as the aborigine stake holders of the Valley of Kashmir.
We will be joined by well-known decorated Defence personnel, renowned Political thinkers and ideologues and senior members of National and International Politics as a supportive part of our program. Many International writers and Ideologues against the disruptive forces of peaceful coexistence of human kind would be participating in this program.
Our community brethren, who still are upholding our culture and roots in the valley against all odds are also participating in the program to speak about the real time scenario in valley as faced by our community on day to day basis.
It is WE, as a community, who need to take a collective call and make a difference with our presence, our voice and stand united, so that we do not drool in the realms of extinction and for-granted factions of this nation.
Its a clarion call to our community in Pune to support the event on Sunday, 14th September on all fronts and participate in large numbers along with family and friends, KP,s and Non KP’s and mark of our tribute towards our Martyrs.
– Youth4PanunKashmir
VENUE : Bhimsen Joshi, Natyagruha,Opposite Siddharth Nagar, Aundh, Pune.Time : 10 am to 5 pm |
LIVE Feeds : Live feeds would be available and advertised on the page and provided to all those who would like the same through FB communication email.