Devout Hindu Activist and Bhavani Sena Leader Shri Pratap Hazra was arrested today (7 July 2015) around 9 AM from Diamond Harbour railway station road by DSP Falta, as reported. He was arrested in connection with the Usthi PS Case No. 65/2015 (Usthi Riot). He was produced at Diamond Harbour Criminal Court today and Hon’ble ACJM, Mr Ashis Gupta allowed 6 days police remand which was objected by the Ld. Advocates Mr Amitabha Sikder, Mr Shankar Narayan Manna and Mr Tapan Biswas. The next date of production is fixed on 13/07/2015. Shri. Hazra is now at DH Police Station under police custody and his health is all right as per source.