RSS to assist BJP in Maharashtra assembly polls

Flag_of_Rashtriya_Swayamsevak_SanghThe Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has hinted that it will be playing a crucial role to “change” the corrupt governance of the ruling alliance Congress-NCP in Maharashtra ahead of October 15 state assembly polls.

Several pracharaks, mostly from Maharashtra, who attended the customary RSS’s Vijayadashami programme in Nagpur on October 3, were reportedly told by the RSS stringholders to ensure BJP’s victory in Maharashtra and launch their campaign to “change” the present regime and increase voting percentage in all constituencies in the state.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat made a fervent appeal to all, especially the young voters, to fulfill their responsibility by choosing their government and pledge to bring about a desired change. “Increasing voting percentage is a sign against the party in power and in favour of BJP as it is surging ahead after the Prime Minister Narendra Modi began the campaign in the state,” a senior RSS pracharak, who preferred to be anonymous, said. He also claimed that the young voters have a ‘definite inclination’ towards BJP.

According to him, the people of Maharashtra are also fed up with the present government and they want to end the misrule of Congress-NCP. “The natural choice would be BJP, because if it comes to power, people and the state would be benefitted. Also the state government would be able to make better co-ordination with the BJP-ruled Centre for its overall development,” he further pointed out.

The RSS was not comfortable with the Sena-BJP alliance in Maharashtra and supported the BJP when it decided to “Ekla chalo re” after snapping ties with the Sena. The RSS abhorred the sectarian linguistic politics, anti-Bihar and anti-UP stand of the Sena.

RSS national pracharak pramukh Manmohan Viadya said that the Hindutva fountainhead would play a major role in the October 15 elections to create awareness for increasing voting percentage. Though he did not name the BJP but said that the RSS wants party that carries the torch of nationalism and Indian identity should come to power in Maharashtra in the elections.

However, he said, “The RSS would not keep off awareness campaign in Maharashtra, but certainly would not play a pro-active role like the way it did in the Lok Sabha elections. The 2014 Lok Sabha elections were different and it cannot be equated with the ensuing state elections. The people of the country were fed up with the 10-year misrule of Congress-led government and wanted a change in which the RSS played a role to help and create awareness on bringing about a change.”

Around seven lakh RSS swayamsevaks had plunged themselves in the Lok Sabha elections after a three-month day-night campaign across the country.

Source: hindustantimes