Shri. Ashok Chowgule Ji visited Houston, Texas between Nov 2nd—Nov 4th 2012 as part of his multi city visits across United States. Shri. Ashok Ji is VHP (Vishva Hindu Parishad) Bharat President (External) for international Hindu coordination and relationship build up. During his two day visit he met many key Hindu community leaders and activists based in Houston, TX. Also as part of his visit agenda he visited prominent Hindu temples based in Houston like BAPS, Swaminarayan Temple and Ashta Laxmi temple. Also later he visited a Garbha event at Sri. Sai Baba temple based in Sugarland.
Ashok Ji educated audience about VHP Bharat pro-jects and their impact on helping Hindus and Hindu Dharma and culture in multiple domains like educa-tion, Cow protection, Hindu literature reforms, Tem-ples empowerment and more. Also discussed were issues, challenges and long term solution models to counter them. He also informed audience on Hindu organizations based internationally and the key role they play towards global Hindu unity. Ashok ji ap-preciated the way more Hindus are coming forward and getting involved in US politics and the rich cul-tural programs and traditions communities celebrate in large numbers and congratulated all Karyakartas and activities for the great work they do for Hindu Dharma on all fronts.
Some key points Ashok Ji empha-sized on in general:
Hindus should come forward proudly stating their HINDU IDENTITY and rich cultural heri-tage they belong to w/o any second thought
Hindus should have positive outlook towards existing pro-jects and with optimism and work hard TO PROTECT and SUSTAIN our Dharma, culture and heritage
The primary focus for issues solution should be countering the SOURCE of problem and not always start from REACTION to ACTION
Source: VHPA