GANDHINAGAR: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal have announced that on Eid ul-Adha (Bakr-i-Eid) that falls on October 5 this year, they would set up check points on all major highways of major cities to prevent entry of beef. The two hardline outfits of the RSS have asked the state home secretary to provide security to their volunteers as they may be attacked while checking entry of beef into cities such as Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara and Rajkot.
Gujarat VHP general secretary Ranchod Bharwad said that they had written a letter to inform the state’s home secretary ahead of the festival. The outfit has alleged in the letter that cows are killed on Bakri Eid every year due to poor implementation of anti-cow slaughter law in the state.
“Hence, to prevent it, we have decided that our volunteers will have check points on every major highway and entry point of all the major cities to prevent butchers from taking cows for slaughter,” Bharwad said.
The VHP has been claiming that its campaign against ‘Love Jihad’ before Navratri had been successful. The outfit says that its call to organizers not to allow Muslim youths at garba venues had received good response. Gujarat VHP general secretary Ranchod Bharwad further claimed that the rise in number of sheri garbas and private society garbas this year had been due to their ‘successful’ awareness drive. “We will continue to work for greater awareness in this regard,” Rathod said.