Welcome to a Model Cow Slaughter Prohibition Bill in India. PMO initiative started – Upananda Brahmachari

PMO trying to implement ban on cow-slaughter through a ‘Model Bill’ all over the country.

cowUpananda Brahmachari | HENB | New Delhi | March 12, 2015:: The then Prime Ministerial candidate Shri Narendra Modi had criticized Congress during Parliamentary election campaigns on the issue of ‘pink revolution’. He had declared in his speeches while canvassing for elections that export of beef would be stopped on his coming to power. Accordingly that announcement Modi Government is now thinking about introducing a Model Act or Bill (by ordinance or separate legislation) to ban illegal cow-slaughter and beef trade throughout the country. The Act is in force more stringently in States of Maharashtra and Gujarat and the Prime Minister’s office has sought advice from Law Department on implementation of this Act, all over the country.

After recent development in Maharashtra imposed a ban on the slaughter of bulls and bullocks getting it approval from President of India, the Central Government has now sought opinion of the Law Ministry if it can circulate laws enacted by some states on banning cow slaughter to other states as a ‘Model Bill’ for their consideration to have a similar legislation in the land of India, where cow is not only worshiped as Goddess by majority Hindus, ‘prohibiting the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle’ is specifically captured in the directive principal of the state of state policy as enshrined in Indian.  Moreover, the constitution makers gave this dictum to ensure the ‘Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry’. [Vide Article 48 of Constitution of India].

As per report, an official communication to the Law Ministry, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO),  referring to Article 48 of the Constitution,  states that “the state shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle”.

The PMO has asked the Law Ministry to examine and advice whether the Acts enacted by few states can be circulated as Model Bill to other states so that they can exercise their choice of consideration to introduce similar enactments.

Several states such as Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana and Gujarat have banned cow slaughter far ago.

In 2005, the Supreme Court had upheld the validity of a law enacted by the Gujarat Government prohibiting cow slaughter.

A central legislation banning cow slaughter has been in demand for long and the matter has been raised in the Lok Sabha several times in last two decades. BJP member Yogi Adityanath in July last year had introduced the Ban on Cow Slaughter Bill, 2014 while his colleague Hansraj Gangaram Ahir introduced Cow Protection Authority Act, 2014 as Private Members’ Bills.

Meanwhile, citing past precedents where laws on various matters were circulated among the states as model bill, sources in the government said there was no bar on the Centre to send such a Bill to states.

A draft model bill on flood zone protection, conservation and regulation of groundwater are some of the measures that have been sent to states recently by the Ministry of Water Resources and Planing Commission and these have been used by various state government to enact their own laws. The ‘Model Cow Slaughter Prohibition Bill’ is coming up in the same line of action.

In most of the Indian states there is prohibition of Cow Slaughter. But, it is not implemented yet for the only cause of 'Muslim appeasement'.
In most of the Indian states there is prohibition of Cow Slaughter. But, it is not implemented yet for the only cause of ‘Muslim appeasement’.

Most of the Indian States have already banned Cow slaughter. Actually, in 85% areas of the Indian states have its own regulatory laws in force to prohibit the rampant cow slaughter [See Illustration: Cow Slaughter Ban Across in India] except Kerala, Sikim, West Bengal, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. So those Secular, Congress, Communist and Islamic forces now brandishing their swords of protest are just going against the law of the land and the Constitution of India violatively and violently must come under cognizable offences.  Most of the non-BJP Govt in Indian states are just ignoring the ‘Prohibitory Cow Slaughter’ laws in a very reluctant way eyeing to sense of Halal cherished by the Muslims. While BJP run state govts are trying the stricts implementation of laws or the draw it under constitutional provisions the Islamic agents in ever parties in India is pouring fuel to the fire.

The development in the current situation must be analysed in a very justified way as below:

1. Presently, people from opposition parties (Secular, Congress, Communist and Islamic ) are raising objection to passing of this Act in Maharashtra. They are violating the law of the lands only to appease the Muslims.

2. Similar opposition was faced when the Act was first implemented in Gujarat in 2005. But, the oppositions were forced to lick the dust under strictness and under strict regulation in Gujarat, the loss of interests of Muslim people haven’t found anywhere in that state.

3. The matter was taken to Supreme Court and it had supported Gujarat Government in banning cow-slaughter. In various verdicts, the Supreme Court of India passed their clear opinions in favour banning Cow slaughter in several times.

4. The Central Government is of the opinion that nobody should oppose implementation of this Act throughout the country.

5. Leftists, Congress, Trinamool Congress etc. are against passing of such law for votes of  Muslim and Christian minorities.

6. The pollution created by cow slaughter is also very detrimental to the Indian Prime Minister Dream Project: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The caracas, blood, slurry, remains of slaughter create a very filthy atmosphere everywhere in slaughter areas. In most of the process of localized Halal in India made in unscientific way and in a very unhygienic manner. The remains create unbearable odour and sometimes the Muslim miscreants throw those in  the outskirts of Hindu locality. Banning cow slaughter will help the vision of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to a great extent.

Cow is revered by Hindus and there is no beef in Vedas in fact [Read Part -I and Part -II]. Some anti Hindu elements are trying to push beef into Hindu society. Anyway, the present decision of the Central Government would be helpful for regaining its  pro-Hindu image that has been badly affected for coalition with PDF in Kashmir and inclusion of various anti-Hindu personalities in BJP, as experts opine.  Moreover, the Vegan Movement (Worldwide vegetarian eating habit) is being supported even today in this country; therefore, senior leaders of BJP feel that large number of population would support implementation of this Act.

In the spate opting anti Hindu line of ‘Cow-slaughter’ by Non-BJP front to appease the Muslim vote bank or the minorities as such, the  majority Hindu’s rattled repercussion may not be averted to ‘ban Cow slaughter’ in India.

Source: hinduexistence.org