Anti Hinduism is a common thing is Bangladesh. With a tag of moderate Muslim country by western countries, Bangladeshi Muslims are expert in Hindu bashing. Persecution upon Hindus by the Fundamentalists, vandalization of Hindu temples, rape-molestation-abduction and forceful marriage of Hindu girls, forceful possession of Hindu lands and properties, ignoring rights to Hindus as equal and a perpetuated ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Bangladesh by profound Mullas in Bangladesh have been made a normal business of Muslims with the thwarted Hindus in Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party is regarded as an anti-Hindu party, and reportedly encourages anti-Hindu views and sentiments among the Muslim majority. Prominent political leaders frequently fall back on “Hindu bashing” in an attempt to appeal to extremist sentiment and to stir up communal passions. In one of the most notorious utterances of a mainstream Bangladeshi figure, the then Prime Minister Khaleda Zia while leader of the opposition in 1996, declared that the country was at risk of hearing “uludhhwani” (a Bengali Hindu custom involving women’s ululation) from mosques, replacing the azaan (Muslim call to prayer) (eg, see Agence-France Press report of 18 November 1996, “Bangladesh opposition leader accused of hurting religious sentiment”).
Before the general election of 2001 a former leader of BNP who later became 15th president of Bangladesh Dr A.Q.M. Badruddoza Chowdhury in an election seminar declared that if Muslims vote BNP they will touch the Quran and if they vote for Awami League they will touch the Gita.
On August 2006,Leaders of the banned Islamist outfit Harkatul Jihad Al Islami (HuJi) established Bangladesh Islamic Democratic Party (IDP)and they threatened if any malauns (a derogatory term for Hindus) drop any blood in Bangladesh they will fly Flag of Islam in Red Fort of Delhi. Banned Islamic party Hizb Ut Tahrir also does the same thing- spreading hate against the Hindus.
Terrorists sprayed bullets on Prof. Gopal Chandra Muhari, A Hindu Professor in Bangladesh. Ethnic cleansing is the cause.
Even the supposedly secular Awami League is not immune from this kind of scare-mongering. The present prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, was alleged to have accused Bangladeshi Hindu leaders in New York of having divided loyalties with “one foot in India and one in Bangladesh”. Successive events such as this have contributed to a feeling of tremendous insecurity among the Hindu minority.
The fundamentalists and right-wing parties such as the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jatiya Party often portray Hindus as being sympathetic to India, making accusations of DUAL LOYALTY and allegations of transferring economic resources to India, contributing to a widespread perception that Bangladeshi Hindus are disloyal to the state. Also, the right wing parties claim the Hindus to be backing the Awami League.
The main news papers of Bangladesh do not criticize Islamic treason to Hindu contribution for the freedom of Bangladesh. The papers like Daily Prothom Alo, Daily Amar Desh, Daily Songram, Daily Naya Digonto, Daily Somokal, Daily Dinkal do not depict the persecution upon Hindus increasing there day by day. The Islamists have a good control over the Bangladesh media for which the matter of ethnic cleansing of BD Hindus are always put behind the curtain. The text books of Bangladesh also openly criticize Hinduism.
Source: Hindu Existence