Mahant hacked in Ayodhya

vhp-imgAYODHYA: A mahant associated with Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s (VHP) Maniram Das Chhavani temple was brutally killed in the temple premises in Ayodhya on Friday.

Mahant Vijay Ram Das, the 45-year-old priest of Ganga Bhawan temple, was found dead in his room built in temple premises. Ganga Bhawan temple is a part of Maniram Das Chhavani temple trust being headed by senior VHP leader and president of VHP’s Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas.

According to the temple sources, few unknown attackers, entered the mahant’s room and hacked him with axe and other sharp-edged weapons. Faizabad police chief KB Singh told TOI that the case had been lodged against unknown killers and the case handed over to the special team of crime branch for speedy investigation. This was the fourth murder of an Ayodhya mahant in a year.

Source: Times of India